Saturday, April 25, 1998

Beyond the Veils

The vision begins with a catastrophe that is either coming to Earth or has come to Earth. Past and Future are somehow mixed in this vision. Almost all life on this planet will (has) become extinct. It seems that a huge asteroid has collided with Earth. The impact has turned the Earth surface inside out. A complete new landscape emerged. There are no plants anymore. New continents are forming and new water courses. Everything on Earth will be made new.

Suddenly, I found myself in a flying machine without wings, escaping from the disaster. And I saw many other people as well, fleeing from the disaster in this way. Later we were using space ships. We had been able to look at this giant spectacle while we were flying away with top speed. I could see many others who also escaped from this incredible shock wave.

We have already been flying for a long time and covered a huge distance in space and we still didn't know if the shock wave would reach us. Only that it was not physical anymore but energetically subtle. It was as if a sun would explode and the shock wave would spread across the whole galaxy at light speed.

Our group of survivors were among those who all witnessed the big catastrophe and we found ourselves now in very fast space ships that travelled past the speed of light. This was going on for a very long time. Months, even years were passing before the shock wave slowly died down until it was gone completely and we found ourselves in a totally strange and different universe.

Until now, everything had been void of human beings, but now we began to see signs of life at this almost surreal place. Very interestingly, it looked as if all other beings were heading as well into the same direction. By coincidence, everyone was heading to one particular planet.

We joined the general movement and did exactly as the others, as we were heading into the same direction anyway. Very calmly and courteously but determined we flew to this special planet. It seemed to be the most natural thing to do for everyone.

Upon arrival on the planet, we could land without a question, and it got even better. Everything was planned and everyone was cared for. The people that would arrive not only from our ships but from any ship were perfectly guided. It was similar to Jerusalem at Easter time. Many many people were heading to a special place. And because we didn't have anything better to do, we were just as well going along — amazed, curios and with trust in God. After all, he was the one who led us here in the first place :-)

The planet was extremely well developed. There were many technically and functionally advanced buildings. A wonderful infrastructure and most of all, our arrival and being here seemed to be the most natural thing.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. To our surprise it was a huge bath with many pools containing a very warm and milky-white water (it reminded me of the hot springs in Israel). As human beings, our bodies had many signs of our not-so-easy Earth life. We had wounds, scars and other marks that were ample evidence thereof. Actually, a bath would be more than welcome for me. But this was not a normal bath. This water would heal all wounds and scars, all illnesses, ailments and handicaps. And it even transformed our bodies back into his optimal youthful from. Nobody had any wrinkles anymore, everyone's skin was youthfully tight. Everything was cured. Under water one could even see with one own eyes how scars vanished forever.

A wonderful feeling! All afflictions gone, all accumulated physical manifestations of past events, simply uncreated. And everyone received the same gift. Friends, strangers and ETs, all were rejoicing. And the best thing was that it was so natural, the most natural thing in the world.

For us, this was the rest and the reward for all the discomfort and harm that we experienced on Earth before the change of times.

(April 25th, 1998)

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Zoosh about this vision
May 20th, 1998

«This is a pretty fair vision, a little bit with overlay. The ET's were part of the overlay of another nearby, for the sake of simplicity, locality. But they might be seen in this place, equally. Because all beings, regardless of their origin, can pass through this place to help or be helped.

Beyond the Veils of Physical Life

This place is just beyond the veils of physical life. It is not really another planet. Though it might seem like that. Certainly in the voyage their of your natural cycle here, would feel as if you were traveling to another planet. And yet, in truth, in a larger sense, it is simply beyond the veils of physical life. Also beyond the veils of physical life on Earth, which is another significant factor.

Total Unconditional Love That Is Felt By All Beings

Most people, when they do move beyond these veils, go through this experience. It is total unconditional love that is felt by all beings, and when you saw beings growing younger, that was really shedding the outer layers of discomfort that they had to adapt to in order to live their life in such a difficult school as Earth.

I might add this: I'd like you to retain this memory as best you can. And at some point if you wish to do something artistic with it, or even describe it to some artist, who might wish to reproduce it in some way, I think it would make a wonderful series of artworks called: «Beyond the Veils». That's all. Include the E.T.'s in it.

(May 20th, 1998)

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German Version
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Beyond the Veils

Auf der Erde passiert eine unglaubliche Katastrophe. Fast alle Menschen werden auf einen Schlag vernichtet. Und zwar scheint ein riesiger Asteroid auf die Erde zu prallen (geprallt zu sein; Gegenwart und Zukunft sind in diesem Traum vermischt).
Es ist dem Film-Poster «Deep Impact» sehr ähnlich, ein Film, der bald in die Kinos kommt. Wahrscheinlich strahlt die Botschaft vom Film unterbewusst so stark aus, dass viele Menschen, wie auch ich davon betroffen sind.
Durch diese Katastrophe wird auf einen Schlag fast alles Leben auf der Erde ausgelöscht. Die wenigen, die überleben, müssen einen nie gekannten Überlebenskampf antreten, gegen die Urgewalten und gegen sich selber (d.h. gegeneinander). In dem Traum habe ich die vielen Kämpfe gesehen untereinander, um Nahrung, um bewohnbare Gebiete oder sonst um etwas. Solch ein großes Leid.

Ich war einer der Überlebenden, die die Katastrophe ganz kurz vorher noch erkannt haben und vor ihr geflohen sind, beziehungsweise das bestmögliche getan haben, um den Auswirkungen zu entgehen. Durch den Aufprall wird (wurde) nämlich das gesamte Leben auf der Erde und die gesamte Oberfläche, wirklich alles, völlig umgekrempelt. Es ist so, als ob jemand mit einem riesigen Bagger kilometertief in die Erde greift und die Oberfläche zu unterst kehrt. Völlig neue Landschaften entstehen, nirgendwo auf der ganzen Erde sind noch Pflanzen da. Neue Kontinente, eine komplett neue Wasserführung entsteht auf der Erde und muss sich erst setzen. Das erfordert natürlich auch seine Zeit und macht den Überlebenden Schwierigkeiten. Die Erde wird völlig umgekrempelt, als ob es die Menschen darauf gar nicht geben würde.
Diese Katastrophe ist die Antwort auf den Unsinn des Lebensstils der so genannt zivilisierten, lieblosen, streitsüchtigen, stress-beladenen, nur an sich selbst und an ihren Profit denkenden Maschinen in Menschengestalt, die sich durch die äußere Form der Gesellschaft in der wir leben völlig beeinflussen lassen. Durch die vielen Einflüsse und äußeren Zwänge derer sie sich unterwerfen leben Sie völlig am wirklichen Leben vorbei. Sie schlafen den ganzen Tag und diese Katastrophe weckt sie auf.

Gleichzeitig mit dem Horror-Szenario passierte folgendes: Wie zuvor wurde ich mir und wurden auch andere sich vor dem bevorstehenden Aufprall bewusst, d.h. die Information darüber war uns kurz zuvor zugänglich. Nur befanden wir uns jetzt in Flugkörpern, Flugschiffen ohne Flügel, später sogar auch in Raumschiffen.
Wir haben das gewaltige Schauspiel aus unseren Schiffen mit verfolgen können, während wir mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit davor weggeflogen sind. Viele der vorhandenen Raumschiffe konnten vor der unglaublich schnell voraneilenden Druckwelle des Aufpralls gerade so eben noch entkommen.

Mit höchstmöglicher Geschwindigkeit sind wir die längste Zeit vor der Druckwelle entflohen, immer noch nicht wissend, ob sie uns erwischt oder nicht.
Nun war die Druckwelle jedoch nicht nur physisch, sondern auch feinstofflich. Es war als ob eine Sonne explodieren würde und die Druckwelle sich mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit in der gesamten Galaxie ausbreiten würde. Unsere Überlebensgruppe verteilte sich auf eine Anzahl schneller Raumschiffe, die direkt von der Erde, von der Katastrophe weggeflogen sind, diese aber noch sehen konnten.
Ich befand mich auf einem Raumschiff, das genau so aussah wie das Raumschiff Voyager. Mit hoher Überlichtgeschwindigkeit sind wir schnurstracks vor der interdimensionalen Druckwelle davongeflogen, vor ihr hergeflogen.
Das ging eine ganze Weile so und man muss sich das ähnlich vorstellen wie in dem Film «Galactica», in dem die Überlebenden mit den unterschiedlichsten Schiffen und den unterschiedlichsten Umständen auf der Flucht waren.
Diese Reise dauerte monatelang, wenn nicht jahrelang, wobei wir während dieser Zeit einen immer größer werdenden Abstand vor der allmählich schwächer werdenden Druckwelle gewinnen konnten. Bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem wir uns in einem völlig fremden Universum befanden.
Bis jetzt war alles menschenleer gewesen, doch nun mehrten sich die Anzeichen, dass die an diesem entfernten, fast unwirklichen Punkt sich auch andere Lebewesen befanden.
Eigenartigerweise schien es so, dass alle Schiffe mit den anderen Lebewesen sich alle auf einen Punkt hinbewegen, auf den zu auch wir uns zufälligerweise zu bewegten. Von allen Richtungen schien es, dass dieser Planet angeflogen würde (zufälligerweise versteht sich).

Wir gesellten uns mit in dieses Treiben, da wir ja sowieso genau darauf zusteuerten und verhielten uns genau so wie alle anderen. Ruhig und ohne Hast, höflich aber bestimmt flogen wir diesem scheinbar besonderen Planeten an. Es war das normalste auf der Welt (wenigstens für die anderen).

Beim Planeten angekommen durften wir mit den anderen ungefragt landen, es war sogar alles geplant und gut organisiert. Die große Menschenmenge, die nicht nur von unseren Schiffen kam, wurden gut organisiert und geleitet (wie in Jerusalem zur Osterzeit) und alle an einen bestimmten Ort geführt. Und weil wir gerade nichts besseres vor hatten, gingen wir staunend und neugierig, doch stets mit großem Gottvertrauen mit. Schließlich hatte er uns ja hierhin geführt.
Der Planet war extrem hoch entwickelt, überall standen technisch und funktionell extrem fortgeschrittene Bauten und Gebäude, die Infrastruktur war sehr stark entwickelt und unser Aufenthalt hier schien für die Einwohner und Wegweiser das Normalste auf Ihrer Welt zu sein. Nun, wir taten genau so wie alle anderen und kamen schließlich bei sehr großen Badeanlagen mit sehr warmen und ein wenig milchig-weißem Wasser an (Der Vergleich mit den heißen Quellen in Israel drängt sich sehr stark auf)

Wir Menschen von der Erde waren durch unser bisheriges Leben überall vernarbt, hatten schlecht verheilte Wunden, faltige Haut, waren mit den Jahren gebrechlich geworden und sehr mitgenommen durch die vielen Lebenskämpfe, die an unseren Körpern überall deutliche Spuren hinterlassen haben. Nun ja, ein Bad war mir sehr willkommen, doch war dies kein gewöhnliches Bad, sondern eins, dessen Wasser alle Narben, alle Verletzungen, alle Krankheiten, alle Gebrechen und alle körperlichen Leiden heilte. Es verwandelte den Körper eines jeden in seine optimale jugendliche Form zurück. Keiner hatte mehr Falten, alle hatten ihre jugendliche Straffheit wieder, alles wurde kuriert, unter Wasser getaucht konnte man sogar zusehen, wie schnell alte Narben für immer verschwanden.

Es war ein wunderbares Gefühl, alle Gebrechen und alle im Körper angesammelten physischen Manifestationen (Auswirkungen, Ausdrücke, Rückstände) schwieriger Zeiten wurden wie un-geschaffen. Allein das Heilen meines Rückens und der entfernten Bandscheiben erforderte ein längeres Bad mit langem Untertauchen. Doch Freunde, sowie Unbekannte und Außerirdische erfreuten sich diesem Geschenk. Das Beste daran jedoch schien: Es war alles so unglaublich selbstverständlich und normal zu sein.
Für uns war dies die langersehnte Ruhe und die Belohnung für all das auf der Erde erlebte Leid vor der Zeitenwende.

Wednesday, April 15, 1998

Help For An Uncivilized Planet

This vision takes place in a city of a planet with a lot of hardship and problems for the inhabitants. Life is going its tough but natural way, until a group of extraterrestrials from a very high dimension arrive. They see all of the problems of the inhabitants, the grief and the hard lessons they are enduring in their life. The ETs ask themselves: «They have a hard life. Why don’t we help them and establish a beneficial surrounding for them? A way of life that is much easier for them, where there is not so much grief and sadness, only joy and beautiful life, like we know it.»

So they decided to show themselves asking the inhabitants if they could help to make their life easier. They said something like this: «Why don’t we sit together for a time and think about a way how we can help you. We will tell you our abilities and we will find a solution for all your problems. We will respect your free will and you have the free choice to decide whatever you want. If this is something you can agree to, we will do it.»

After a period of thorough consideration, the inhabitants would say: «Given your fantastic psychic and material manifestation abilities, we would like you to do the following. Whenever a problematic situation occurs for anyone of us (and that will be a lot), please stop us from choosing a less-than-perfect solution, because it could harm someone. Please provide us in these exact moments with a beneficial attitude which overrides any of our bad feelings. In these moments, give us a loving way of thinking that ensures the best possible outcome for everyone affected. With this gift from you, no troublesome situation could ever occur in our lives anymore and our society will soon flourish according to our highest abilities. Very soon, there won’t be any adversity anymore and we would have the most beautiful of all societies.»

This is exactly what the ETs did. And everything worked out just as planned. The whole city and planet would turn into a wonderful flourishing, loving place where living was a great joy for everyone.

Everything was just going fine, when someone from the first contact committee, a very spiritual person, made an alarming discovery. He found out that all new paintings and pieces of art would be different than they were before this intervention. It seemed that slowly but noticeably there was a decline in complexity of every piece of art. New paintings didn’t have as much detail as before. They were still very beautiful, but much simpler in their appearance, not as rich in their gamut of expression. They were not as elaborated or as vivid or one can say as passionate as before. They were getting simpler, easier, less colorful and less detailed. If you would ask an artist member of the society as it has been before the ET influence, he would find them beautifully nice but boring.

At first, this wise man was the only one to notice it, because he had a good memory of how the things were before the intervention took place. He also was a very conscious and as a spiritual person always looking for the bigger picture. He immediately realized the scope of his discovery. It could have a huge impact on the evolving benevolent society. He even knew that the ET intervention might have to stop. But he also knew what his responsibility was and talked with the other officials and the ETs to make them aware of the problem.

After a while of elaborate research they found the reason and they were not happy with it. They found out that by removing the obstacles of life, the inhabitants could not experience the richness of life anymore with all its facets. Since everything was going easy and comfortable now, they lost a very valuable feature which was very unique to them and which they didn’t know they had in the first place. This feature was developed by them because they had all their big problems and because they were continuously forced to come up with creative and intuitive solutions for their problems. So, over time, they had developed a very sophisticated problem-solving mechanism. Even when there solutions were often selfish and would itself create a lot of other problems.

The ETs couldn’t see it because this was not part of their scope of experience. They never had struggle and adversity. They only had harmony and easy going lives. And of course, their pieces of art were very beautiful but compared with this other civilization without much bandwidth.

After the discovery has been made, the most wise and spiritual persons of the inhabitants were putting a lot of effort in finding a suitable solution for them. Eventually they came to the only possible conclusion: The ET influence had to stop. Without knowing, they had been slowly removing a very unique and beautiful feature of their race, one which only they could possibly possess. It was a very difficult decision, but both races knew deep in their loving hearts that this was the only way to go.

So the ETs withdrew. And after the ET intervention ceased, the inhabitants slowly would come back to their old ways of loud, passionate, sometimes aggressive and destructive behavior. On the one hand it was so sad but on the other hand they got back their richness and full spectrum of life.

(April 15th, 1998)